I guess those times that you loved so much:
Sitting on a speckled couch;
Driving through the W-burger place;
Curling up side by side
Watching that Island change those lives;
Cruising with the windows down;
Singing our songs:
The Promise,
Smother Me,
Those times.
So far ago.
Though so many smiles,
So many laughs,
So many tears,
So many smirks,
So many jeers,
So many jokes,
So many squeals,
So many snorts,
So many sighs,
So many pleas,
So many - So many- So many.
Yet, you are able to erase
You took your hand and smeared
It Across the Universe
And then turned away from the board.
Then told me to deal with it all.
I look at the chalk and pastels
The colors blurred all together
The good with the bad
The happy with the sad.
I want to understand it.
I want to try to re-write it.
I want to care about it.
You tell me to move on.
But how can I when three years are nothing
But smears on a chalkboard.
I'm not angry.
I'm not mad.
I just don't understand
How a man who loved so much
Can so easily wipe away those moments
And never even look back.
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